
First Long Road Trip with a Newborn: An Unforgettable Adventure

19th Jul 2024

Setting out on our first long road trip with 9-week-old Ava was both exciting and nerve-wracking. The thought of spending hours on the road with a newborn might seem daunting to many, but with careful preparation, we were able to make the journey not only manageable but enjoyable.

Our preparations included packing an ample supply of milk to ensure Ava was well-fed throughout the trip. Regular stops were essential, allowing Ava some time out of the car seat and us a chance to stretch and refresh. A crucial addition to our travel kit was sunshades for the car windows, providing Ava with protection from the glaring sun and helping maintain a comfortable environment inside the car.

Ava’s comfort was our top priority, so choosing the right outfits was key—soft, breathable fabrics ensured she stayed relaxed during the long drive. We quickly learned that while Ava enjoys car rides, sitting in a car seat for long periods made it difficult for her to pass wind. This led to a few discomfort moments, which we managed by taking her out during stops for some much-needed relief.

We found that a portable machine emitting red and white noise was indispensable, soothing Ava back to sleep and keeping her calm during the more tiresome parts of our journey. This tool was a lifesaver, helping us maintain a peaceful atmosphere for Ava and ourselves.

Every three hours, we planned stops to change Ava’s diaper and allow her some time outside the car seat. These breaks were not just functional but became moments of bonding and play, adding to the memories of our trip. The scenic routes offered perfect backdrops for these pauses, making each stop a moment to cherish.

The absolute highlight of our trip was finally getting Ava into the water at Ningaloo Reef. Seeing her tiny toes touch the ocean for the first time was a magical experience and a reminder of why we embark on such adventures. It wasn’t just about reaching a destination but about creating unforgettable experiences as a family. Our love for remote, serene settings drove us to choose an off-grid adventure right on the beach over the bustling atmosphere of a caravan park. There’s something profoundly peaceful about being in a less populated space, especially when introducing a newborn to the beauty of nature.

To ensure Ava’s health and comfort during our off-grid stay, careful planning was necessary. Irena, being a nurse, consulted with healthcare professionals to prepare a comprehensive medical kit tailored to Ava’s needs. This preparation included everything from fever reducers to hydration solutions, ensuring we were equipped to handle any minor health concerns.

Temperature control was a critical factor given the fluctuating conditions of the north. Our off-grid setup was designed to be self-sufficient, with solar panels to power our equipment during the day and a generator on standby for cloudy moments or night use. This setup ensured that essential devices, particularly the air conditioner, could run smoothly, keeping Ava cool during the hot days and comfortable at night.

Our daily routine was structured around Ava’s needs, starting with a pre-dawn feed followed by a walk on the beach at sunrise—beautiful moments of calm before the day began. As the sun rose, I would adjust the solar panels to capture maximum sunlight while Irena tidied up the van, making it a fresh, clean space for us all.

Mealtimes and sterilizing bottles were carefully scheduled to maintain Ava’s routine from home as much as possible. Nap times were flexible, adapted to fit Ava’s mood and the day’s activities, which often included a dip in the ocean in the early afternoon to refresh and cool down.

For parents considering an off-grid adventure with a newborn, the key is to go slow and adjust your expectations. Be prepared for one person to be more engaged with the baby while the other handles setting up or packing down the camp. This adjustment can be challenging, but it’s also a great way to develop a new rhythm as a family. Embracing this slower pace allows for deeper appreciation of both the surroundings and the nuanced growth of your child in these early months. Traveling with a newborn, you face a steep learning curve. We had our concerns about how Ava would handle a new environment and long hours on the road. Thankfully, Ava adapted wonderfully, finding comfort in the steady movement of the car and the new sights and sounds each day brought.

The main challenge we faced off-grid was managing the heat. The northern climate can be unforgiving, and ensuring Ava was comfortable required a reliable setup. Thanks to our off-grid capabilities, including a well-maintained air conditioning system powered by our solar panels, we could keep Ava cool even on the hottest days.

Our experience taught us several key lessons. The first was the importance of preparation and flexibility. We learned to accept that while we had a plan, we needed to be ready to adapt based on Ava’s needs and the conditions of our environment.

We also discovered the value of teamwork and patience. Often, one of us would handle the baby while the other managed the campsite, a rotation that allowed us to maintain a smooth flow during our stay. This balance helped us not only manage the practical aspects of our trip but also enjoy the experience more fully.

Looking ahead, we are excited for more trips with Ava. Seeing her thrive in the off-grid environment has encouraged us to plan more adventures that fit our family’s adventurous spirit. However, for future trips, we would consider increasing our supply of expressed breast milk and packing even more essentials to cater to Ava’s needs, particularly under changing weather conditions.

For parents planning a similar journey, my advice is to pack abundantly, lower your expectations, and prioritize your baby’s comfort above all. Stick to your home routines as much as possible, and always have a plan for quick access to medical assistance if needed. With the right preparations, traveling with a newborn can be an enriching experience for the whole family, offering a unique opportunity to bond and explore the world through fresh eyes.